Approaching life with excitement and energy.
Not doing things halfway or halfheartedly - giving your all.
Living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated.
Not doing things halfway or halfheartedly - giving your all.
Living life as an adventure; feeling alive and activated.
vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy
vitality, enthusiasm, vigor, energy
The Flying Frenchies 2.30min
Think of an activity or an event that would get you really excited!
If you could choose one to take part in - what would it be and why?
Think of an activity or an event that would get you really excited!
If you could choose one to take part in - what would it be and why?

- Was the zip-line surfing dangerous for the Flying Frenchies? Why or why not?
- How would they have learnt this was a skill they loved doing?
- If you could do only one activity ALL DAY LONG, what would you choose? Why is it so easy for you?
- What are three activities that you are really excited about?
- Who is someone that you look up to or admire - that is great at what they do? Can you explain why you admire them?
- If your life was a book and the title was the name of your favourite activity - What would your book be called?
- What day of the year makes you most excited - why?

Do What you Love & Love What you Do!
Part of being excited about life is noticing and knowing what activities
make you the happiest!
Make a list of three activities that excite you. Write them in a bubble and add the 4 Ws questions around each one.
Use these questions to learn more about why you love doing these things and how you can make sure they fill a big part of your life.
Part of being excited about life is noticing and knowing what activities
make you the happiest!
Make a list of three activities that excite you. Write them in a bubble and add the 4 Ws questions around each one.
- What makes this activity so much fun?
- Who do you know that you can share it with?
- When can you schedule it into your week so you continue to enjoy it?
- How can you learn more, discover more, understand more about it?
Use these questions to learn more about why you love doing these things and how you can make sure they fill a big part of your life.
Size: Full class circle or circles of 6-8 students
Time: 3-5 minutes
Students stand in a circle facing inwards.
Students place their left hand out flat, palm facing up, to their left side.
Students point their right index finger and place it into the outstretched palm of the person on their right.
When the teacher shouts "Fish On!", students attempt to catch the index finger of the student on their left, whilst simultaneously escaping the attempted catch of their own finger on the right.
Options: Play an elimination style game. If a player gets 'caught', they step out of the circle until their is only two students left. Then scissors, paper, rock to claim the fishing title!
Size: Full class circle or circles of 6-8 students
Time: 3-5 minutes
Students stand in a circle facing inwards.
Students place their left hand out flat, palm facing up, to their left side.
Students point their right index finger and place it into the outstretched palm of the person on their right.
When the teacher shouts "Fish On!", students attempt to catch the index finger of the student on their left, whilst simultaneously escaping the attempted catch of their own finger on the right.
Options: Play an elimination style game. If a player gets 'caught', they step out of the circle until their is only two students left. Then scissors, paper, rock to claim the fishing title!